Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Scenes of El Salvador: Part3

The week we were in El Salvador was focused on building the house and we were surrounded by 4 wall most of the time. But we did manage to get a fair amount of work done on the house and the Mason and his crew had a good start to the house. For the last 3 days that we were in El Salvador we Stayed at a resort across the street from the ocean on a dead end road. It was call Rancho Estero y Mar and was very nice but a bit eclectic. But this is where I finally able to get out and get a good look at some of the wildlife... mainly birds.

Additional photos can be found here

The sun rose every morning there at 6 and so did I, The beach was empty at that time except for the local fisherman. The resort backed on to a national forest reserve so I went to check this out the first morning. A few of the species seen here included:

Ruddy Ground Dove
Crested Caracara
Collared Forest Falcon
Black Vulture

The next 2 days I woke up in the morning and went up the beach a ways to where there was a widening of the river behind the resort and which was pretty close to the ocean this is where many swallows hung out as well as many other birds:

Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
Great Kiskadee
Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Yellow Crowned Night Heron

Western Willet

Mangrove Swallow

 And somewhat ironically on the last morning just before leaving for the airport I took one more walk down the beach and got a shot of  a:

Snowy Egret

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