Thursday 2 May 2013

Niagara to Grand Rapids: Day 2

On Tuesday we spent the day exploring the Niagara region, we took in some wine tours and did some more hiking.  In the afternoon we hiked down to the whirlpool site just down stream from Niagara Falls I didn't think that there would be too many great photo opportunities at the bottom so decided to leave my camera in the car. As we hiked down the very steep trail I was regretting that decision all the way down, and once we reached the bottom I realized I had no choice but to get my camera. There was a very co operative canvas back duck at the bottom. I have never seen one of these before so I ran back up and grabbed my camera. In the end it worked out and I got some good shots and I learned a valuable lesson.

Later on in the evening we went for a walk to look at the falls, and I ended up watching bank swallows for a bit too.

1 comment:

  1. wow that sounds soo awesome.. I hate when I forget my camera thats why I always carry my phone with me cause I have a sick camera on there.. If i see a wicked bird I always call up my brother right away and describe the size and colours.. If he doesnt know what kind of bird it is from my description I will mimic the birds song and he usually knows exactly what bird it is after that.. My brother is a dope photographer too and he should start a blog like this..

